Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Fire and Death

Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Fire and Death.  They are nothing new. These events have been occurring since the beginning of time. Why are they more scary today? Well because they are all happening to Biblical proportion, happening together and scaring the heck out of a lot of people.

I'm forgoing my regular blog to blog abou1t this because like many of you, what is happening is scaring me too.

The Gulf part of Texas was devastated very recently by Hurricane Harvey. Houses ripped apart, flooding causing all sorts of civil and health issues. The Texas governor says the money needed to repair the damage is over 100 billion dollars. Congress passed a bill to give them about 15 billion, a true horror for sure.

The media was saying that Harvey was a 1 in a thousand year storm event. Boy did a thousand years go quickly. Just about a week later, Irma forms in the Caribbean. It grows into a monster storm. They are saying the biggest ever. What? Some want to call it a category 6 storm, but those more calm individuals continue to say there is no such things. Irma destroyed the Caribbean. As I am writing this, Irma is taking out its wrath on Florida. I’m praying as I write.

That is not all, there is Jose. Another hurricane that has formed in the Caribbean right behind Irma that last I looked is a category 4 storm. Jose is taking almost the same path as Irma. Everyone is holding their breath about Jose.

In the Gulf of Mexico, there is Katia. Katia from what I understand is heading south. You don’t hear much about Katia so hopefully it is not going to create too much havoc.

While all this is happening, Los Angeles California was burning. They were saying the biggest fire in Los Angeles history. Droughts, fire, mudslides in California are becoming the norm.

Oh if that wasn’t enough, an 8.2 earthquake in southern Mexico that has caused devastation as Katia was approaching killing dozens.

You may be asking   “What the heck is going on?” Some are saying we are experiencing God’s wrath. Some are saying this is all a consequence of Global Warming. Still others are saying all this is cyclical. Events like this happen every couple of centuries. Really, no one knows. They are all just speculating. No one knows.

So what do we know? We know that these events are devastatingly destructive and will cost hundreds of billions of dollars. We know that we are all unnerved and frightened. We know that we are all weary of Mother Nature.

Finally we know that none of us know what is happening or what will happen moving forward and we are all scared.

Just thinking out loud!

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