Listing Previous Work Experience on my Resume

Listing Previous Work Experience on my Resume   You are writing your resume. You look at all the templates that you find on or Resume writing is a selling tool. You want to catch the eye of an employer to the point that they want to call you in for an interview. As a person with a disability, you ask yourself the following question: Should I list on my resume that I am a person with a disability? Great question! That is a whole other blog post but I’ll give you the quick answer here, NO! Of course that is my humble opinion. Getting back to the topic on hand! Of course you want to write a killer resume, right? You come to the part where you have to list previous work experience. You think to yourself, this is the easiest part. All I have to do is to put down where I worked, right? Wrong! Listing previous work experience can be the most important part of your resume. Why, because you can explain what it is you actually did at that job. Also, you cannot assume that potential employers will know what your previous employer is all about. First of all, it is very important that you explain your previous job description as concisely as you can high lighting any particular or special skills that you may have. Tying in special skills directly to a job description is more powerful that simply putting it under a heading that says “Special Skills” wouldn’t you agree? Secondly, do not assume that your potential employer will know who your previous employer is. This is especially true if your potential employer is out of the area where you worked previously. If your previous employer is Microsoft, of course everyone will know who they are but if it’s a company called Job Postings, your potential employer may not have any idea who they are or what they do. You need to give a brief description of what your previous employer’s business is and tie in your special skills.  This way, you are answering questions before they arise making your resume better. So don’t take anything for granted. Explain what you did and with what you company you did it with.   Hope this helps?