Is it appropriate to use the Job Title in your Resume?

Some people say yes and some people say no. I'm in the middle here. I believe there are times when it is appropriate to use the "Job Title" in your resume and other times its not. It all depends! Depends on what? It depends on the "Job Title" itself, that is the long and the short of it. Here are two (2) examples: 1) The "Job Title" is short, definitive and self explanatory. 2) The "Job Title" is long, to descriptive and make you not look so good to a hiring manager. So if the "Job Title" is short, say "registered nurse", by all means, place that title onto your resume. For some titles like "registered nurse" you almost have to. Here though, make sure you also put all of the appropriate skills that a registered nurse should have that you have. A registered nurses' skill set is pretty standard so you are all expected to have a certain skill set. If the "Job Title" is long or ambiguous, say "Assistant to the Director of Digital Media" how do you get that into your resume without the hiring manager thinking you are trying to hard to grab his/her attention? Honestly, I don't know. I believe the above 2 examples state my case. Do you want to put catch words into your resume so that it stands out and grabs attention, yes! However, you need to do it is a way that is seamless. Those catch words, phrases need to look like they belong in your resume. I get it, you only have 1 to 2 pages to grab the attention of the person reading through hundreds of resumes. Using the "Job Title" when appropriate is a great thing. I hope this helped you even a little bit. I'll write at you next week. Enjoy!