How to Manage Depressive Disorder in the Workplace

How to Address Depressive Disorder While at Work


Going to work represents a major step in the ability to manage the symptoms of depressive disorder. However, you may be worried about how you’ll handle the additional stress of starting a new job. While staying on track with your treatment plan is still essential, you can also use these tips to manage your depression and be successful in the workplace. 

Choose the Right Work Arrangements 

If depressive disorder is a new diagnosis, it’s possible your former career may no longer be a good fit. It’s also common for people with known depression to stay in the same workplace for years without realizing their condition has been contributing to their symptoms. In the beginning of your recovery, you may need to look for employment opportunities that help you ease back into the working world. For instance, part-time
jobs for people with disabilities or those that offer flex time may give you the time you need to de-stress between shifts. 

Break Work Tasks Up into Smaller Goals 

Once you begin to work, one of your biggest concerns is to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Instead of looking at everything that needs to be accomplished in a day, try breaking complicated responsibilities into smaller, more achievable goals. Not only will this help you avoid getting stressed out, but completing each goal may provide a mental boost that increases positive feelings throughout your workday. 

Practice Stress Management Techniques 

Every job comes with demands that lead to stress. For this reason, you need to continuously add new stress management techniques to your toolkit. Try finding a combination of techniques you can use at home and in the workplace. For instance, you can go for a run as soon as you get home to get endorphins flowing. At work, you may be able to strike a quick yoga pose in your office or take a few deep breaths before working with a customer. 

Personalize Your Workspace

The symptoms of depression could cause you to lose sight of what brings you joy in life. A few personal touches in your workspace can bring your thoughts back to your sense of purpose. Try adding plants, photographs, or small knickknacks to your workspace to create a relaxing atmosphere. If your workplace doesn’t provide you with space to set up personal items, consider carrying a picture of your family in your pocket or another small token you can use as motivation for making it through each day. 

Follow Basic Self-Care Measures 

Hectic work weeks make it difficult to keep up with basic self-care practices that are important for maintaining a positive mindset. As you go back to work, make sure to include self-care practices in your routine so they become ingrained into your daily activities. Go to bed early enough each night to get proper sleep, and take time out for lunch to eat right during the day. Finally, make sure to carve out a few hours each week for personal pursuits that help you de-stress before going back to work.


Whether you’re living with depressive disorder or another disability, there are many jobs for disabled men and women that may be suitable for you. Start by searching the listings provided by disABLEDperson, Inc. You can also feel free to give us a call at 760-420-1269 if you have any questions about searching for suitable jobs for people living with disabilities.