I am Social Security Disability (SSDI) and Thinking of going back to Work

This is the first of a multi-part blog about transition to work from Social Security Disability. Our goal is to take you through the entire process.

You are on Social Security Disability (SSDI) for a time now and you are thinking you have to go back to work. There are a couple of reasons why a person on SSDI would want to go back to work.

The first reason is because they have recovered from their disability. The second reason is because they are bored with life and need to be productive members of society again. The third is they need more money.

If you have recovered, fantastic! You should by all means get back into the workforce. You shouldn’t have any reservations. Just do it.

Let’s explore the second reason that you are bored and need to be a productive member of society again. That sounds great. The first question you need to ask yourself is do you really believe that you can work? Remember, you spent a lot of time and energy convincing the Social Security Administration that you could not work. SSA has accepted the fact that you cannot work, now you are telling them that you can at least do some work.

Think about that just a little. Ask yourself these questions. 1) Can you really go back to work? 2) How important are your Social Security Disability benefits to you? There is a chance that by going back to work in any capacity may jeopardize your benefits. 3) Can you live without your SSDI check every month? 4) Can you find a different way to occupy your time and make you feed productive? 5) What if I start to work and then I realize I can’t continue?

Now let’s explore the third reason. You cannot live on just your SSDI check. You need more money. You thought that going on SSDI would keep you financially comfortable. This in my opinion is the hardest. The first two reasons didn’t put you into a compelling situation. You can either stay at the status quo of being on SSDI or not. If you do not have enough money to live, you need to do something, right! Right! Let’s think about this. What options do you have? Well, if you are able to do some kind of work, you may need to try. You can also explore other avenues of help. Have you explored food stamps? What about help with your rent. The US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has programs that give vouchers to people with disabilities called Section 8 Vouchers which are given through your local Public Housing Authority. You can read about this on their website at: https://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/topics/housing_choice_voucher_program_section_8.

Utilities also have programs for people with very low incomes. My suggestion is that you contact your city’s City Hall and ask for help in identifying these programs.

Next week we will get into what you need to do if you decide that you want to go back to work.

disABLEDperson, Inc.

Anonymous Writer

