4 Tips for Practicing Inclusivity in Your Social Media Marketing

The above picture is of a man's hands. They are holding and working on a computer tablet.

4 Tips for Practicing Inclusivity in Your Social Media Marketing

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1 in 4 adults in the U.S. lives with some kind of disability. Still, they’re thriving in life. They also expect and deserve to get the same enjoyable experience from a business as those who don’t live with a disability.

We aren’t just talking about products or customer service. We’re referring to marketing, too, specifically social media marketing. Let’s explore the need for accessibility and inclusivity in social media marketing in more detail below.

The Need for Accessibility and Inclusivity in Social Media Marketing

There’s a lot that goes into planning a social media marketing strategy. You must:

      Set goals and establish accompanying metrics

     Thoroughly research your target audience and competition

     Choose the most effective social media channels and create content for them

     Design a social media content calendar to remain consistent

     Use data analytics to measure the success of campaigns and content


All of this work means nothing if your campaigns don’t capture the majority of your audience every time. How do you do this? With a heavy focus on representation, accessibility, and inclusivity.

Individuals with a disability are often neglected in marketing campaigns. And that creates a huge disconnect between the companies doing this and a massive part of their target audience.

Social media marketing that’s accessible and inclusive caters to people living with a range of disabilities. As a result, these individuals resonate more with the campaigns and are compelled to move forward in their relationship with a brand.


Ultimately, your social media marketing should be more inclusive and accessible because it’s the right thing to do. Everyone should have the opportunity to experience your campaigns and enjoy them fully.  

How to Be More Inclusive in Your Social Media Marketing

There might not be anything more important for your social media marketing than ensuring it’s accessible to everyone in your audience. The following tips will help you prioritize inclusivity and diversity in every campaign.

1.   Learn about your audience

You must first know who you’re trying to include to be more inclusive. In other words, learn about your audience. Find out about their unique needs, backgrounds, and abilities, as well as their demographic information. The more you know about your customers, the easier it will be to craft social media content they feel welcomed by. 

Keep in mind that people are concerned about how companies collect and use their data, making many hesitant to share it.

So, to soothe their concerns and collect the customer data you need, you must prioritize privacy and be transparent about how you compile customer data and use it to better their experience with your marketing.

2.   Use inclusive and straightforward language

A big part of a marketer’s job is to ensure their audience understands and resonates with the content they produce. Inclusive and straightforward language fuels this and your efforts to make your campaigns more accessible. 

Always use a simple word in place of its complex counterpart. Keep your sentences short and to the point. Make sure that every word and sentence matters. And if it doesn’t, take it out.

Most importantly, understand and use inclusive language. Stay away from ableist terms like “lame,” “retarded,” and “crazy.” Stay away from anything that can be deemed offensive or hurtful. Use inclusive language instead, such as “folks” to address a group rather than “guys,” and gender-neutral pronouns.

3.   Focus on authentic representation

Accessible social media campaigns must be mindful of how they represent people. If you want people to feel included and welcomed, they have to see themselves in your campaigns. 

For example, if you’re trying to connect with the part of your audience living with a specific disability, including those with that disability in your campaigns could help. But you must do it in a way that’s authentic and respectful of how someone with that disability is truly living.

The first step is ensuring you have a diverse group of people on your marketing team. You’ll be able to genuinely represent more people in your campaigns with a team of mixed abilities, backgrounds, and experiences.

Also, talk to your customers. Get their feedback on whether your social media content authentically represents who they are and ask for suggestions to improve things. And if you ever make a mistake and offend someone with an inauthentic depiction, apologize and take action.

4.   Incorporate accessible design principles

Everything you create for social media should be done with accessible design principles in mind. Incorporate as many of them as possible in your content to ensure a range of people in your audience can enjoy it.

These accessible design principles are a must:


     Use a legible font

     Alt text and image descriptions

     Avoid special characters and limit emoji use

     Visualize links with an underline or hover animation

     The color contrast between the text color and background should be 4.5 to 1

     Captions, subtitles, audio descriptions, and transcripts for every video


Connecting with your customers on social media is integral to your marketing and company success.

 The key is ensuring your campaigns are inclusive and accessible to as many people in your target audience as possible. If you can do this, a better brand reputation, a more prominent influence, and genuine customer relationships will result.

Use the tips above to be more inclusive in your social media marketing and create campaigns that honor and are mindful of all.