How to Start a Business as a Young Professional with a Disability | Disabled Person

The above picture is of a man sitting in his wheelchair at his desk and working.

How to Start a Business as a Young Professional with a Disability

Having a disability comes with a variety of challenges. Many young people worry about how their disability will affect their career goals. Young adults with disabilities, however, can grow a lucrative careers in business. Degrees, internships, and funding make a big difference in becoming an entrepreneur.

Start Your Career With a Degree

Choose your major based on your interests and career goals. Every person has natural strengths and skills. For example, if you succeed at math, you may want to consider a degree in finance or accounting or an MBA. If you are interested in computer science and technology, an online degree in computer science could give you the necessary skills in data structure, logic, computer theory, architecture and computer theory.

Other online degree ideas include:

  • Marketing

  • International business

  • Business administration

  • Human resources

Becoming a marketing major increases your knowledge in brand awareness, promotion, pricing and consumer research. On the other hand, international business emphasizes global banking, culture, management, financial markets, and international monetary policies.

Some of the most lucrative business degrees include business management, computer science, economics and industrial engineering. Each of these programs can help you start your own business.

Land Your First Job

While finishing your degree or directly following graduation, it's time to launch your career. Many business students start with internships.

To find an internship, check your college's resources first. Many colleges have career sites where employers post job listings and internships that come available. For more choices, research job sites and companies that you may be interested in working with. Even if the company is not looking for new hires, you can contact the business and ask about internships and positions.

Keep in mind that when you apply for an internship, the company has to make appropriate accommodations for your disability. Reasonable accommodations include any modifications that provide you with an equal opportunity to perform your job. For example, a company may need to modify the workspace or install a ramp in the building. Other accessible options include:

  • Accessible software

  • Providing time for medical appointments

  • Using videophones for deaf colleagues

  • Allowing service animals

  • Offering screen reader software

Most accommodations cost a business very little.

Start a Lucrative Business

When you start your own business, you have the opportunity to run your company the way you want. If you choose to run your business remotely, you never have to worry about a commute. You can find employees within your niche without worrying that they do not live within your city.

Foregoing a commute may be better for your health. When you drive to work regularly, you may struggle with weight, blood pressure and cardiorespiratory fitness.

One of the major obstacles young business owners have to climb is funding. According to the experts, you could qualify for a loan guaranteed by the U.S. Small Business Administration. SBA loans have lower interest rates and flexible terms. Essentially, you receive the loan from a private lender, but the government backs the loan, lowering the bank's risk.

There are also loans for business owners who have disabilities. Researching the internet could unearth valuable special online financing. Additionally, there are grants awarded specifically to adults with disabilities. If you receive a grant, you do not have to pay the money back.

While being a young person with disabilities may create various challenges in your life, your future is still bright. You could start your own business, earn a lucrative income, and work on your terms with a business degree.

If you’re looking to work for a company that is committed to hiring individuals with disabilities, join the job board!