Top 5 Essential Interview Skills Required to Get Your Dream Job

The above picture is of a man in a suit sitting outside of an office waiting to be seen. He is smiling.

Top 5 Essential Interview Skills Required to Get Your Dream Job

Everyone is aware of the classics when it comes to interviewing. Do your homework, know a bit about the company, have some questions ready, make eye contact and ensure a firm handshake. However, these things will not necessarily give you a dream job. There are fewer known essential interview skills that most people are not aware of. So, what should you know before heading to your next interview?​​

 Think answers out loud 

An interviewer will not just require a simple answer – yes, no or direct answers. Sure, you need to be concise and straightforward, but it pays off showing the interviewer how you have actually managed to reach the answer. Lots of people stall when they have no idea how to answer and they often give out the classic one – they do not know. This is actually a big problem, but it can be prevented. 

You need to think your answers out loud. Have humble confidence and repeat the question. Work your way through it in a loud manner. You will show them how you actually see things, rather than let them assume things. Plus, if you are not sure about the answer, you may actually get a few hints from the interviewer, which will make your life easier. 

Use nonverbal communication

 Nonverbal communication works wonders, yet lots of people overlook it. You need to be mindful of your presence, but also aware of your body language. You have to look calm, but also in control. This type of communication speaks volumes about yourself. People rarely practice it, so they show it when they feel nervous. 

Moreover, bored and disinterested candidates are quite easy to spot. The best way to avoid such problems is to practice mock interviews with friends. You might as well do it yourself – record yourself and see yourself when you are done. Small improvements will change the way potential employers see you during an interview, so take your time to do things by the book. 

Research is critical 

The research most people do is basic – they know what the company does, but this is pretty much it. Having more clues about the company will impress potential employers. You need to talk about why you think you are a good fit for the respective position. You also need to be able to talk about things that are going on in the community or the company’s culture – such things show interest and dedication. Knowing how to prepare for an interview will help you stand out from the competition.

In other words, researching the position is not everything. What you want to do is understand how to use such details to your advantage. Research more than just the job description and company – also take a look at the community in which the company is located. You can also use social media networks to research the employer or the interviewer if you know their name – you will most likely find a common ground to carry a conversation.

 Understand your resume

Indeed, you know where you have worked before or what types of degrees you have. Knowing your resume inside and out is essential. Being able to provide measurable specifics about things in your resume will help you provide details without blabbering or spending too much thinking. A statistic will most likely put your accomplishments in perspective.

 In other words, it is more efficient to show that you have provided excellent customer service to 150 people a week and came up with a 90% resolution that claiming that you provided customer service and handled most issues professionally. Claiming your achievements will give your resume a legitimate profile.

 Tell a story 

A story will sell better than a random boring resume. Some managers will search pieces of information about people they may want to hire. They may even check you out on social media. You can use the interview to bring everything together and create a story of who you truly are, as well as what you can offer.

 When it comes to accomplishments, you must tie into the employer’s needs for better results.


The bottom line, while these things are often overlooked, they can change everything in your next interview. Whether you need continuity in your finances, you want a new career or you simply push for that dream job, these essential skills will seriously increase your chances.​