Discussion Forums

Welcome to our Discussion Forums. Post your questions and feedback here and use the email watches to stay in tune with topics that interest you.

Community Guidelines

The goal of disABLEDperson, Inc.'s forums is to provide an environment in which all community members can freely exchange thoughts, ideas, knowledge, and opinions. Please do your part in helping us maintain this constructive environment by demonstrating respect and tolerance for other individuals and refraining from any offensive behavior.

Forum / Category Views Topics / Messages Last Post

To our Brothers and Sisters in our Community. we at disABLEDperson.com understand that this is a very difficult time. We know that being isolated is hard to do. Also, there are many questions about the virus itself and how to react to it. We will do our best to give you a sense of community knowing that you are not alone, answer your questions, and calm your concerns.

942 2 / 4 12/06/23

The purpose of this category is for you, our community to ask questions about anything disability-related.

1,490 4 / 6 11/25/22

Have a question about Employment as a person with a disability? Ask it here!

248 2 / 2 09/10/22